Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Woe to the World

 Woe to the world and to the presidents and kings whose nations for which they stand declare, “Good is evil and evil is good.” They despise and pervert  the commandments of the LORD GOD who is abundant in mercy and loving kindness. Forgiving transgressions and sins with mercy for thousands but will in no way clear the guilty - visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon their children and their children’s children, unto the third and fourth generation. Pestilence, famine and the sword. All forms of wickedness and vile offenses of filthy flesh shall be burned up. The end is near and time shall be no more. Then the heathen shall be judged without mercy - no more amazing grace to be blasphemed. Sinners shall wail and gnash their teeth at the sudden appearing of Jesus Christ in clouds of glory with ten thousands saints and an innumerable host of holy angels.. The vengeance of the LORD is near and hastens greatly. All sinful flesh refusing to repent, who obey not the gospel of JesusChrist, shall experience the fiery indignation of the great holy God. When they say, “peace and safety”, then sudden destruction shall come. Science, falsely so called, has corrupted itself denying the existence of the Holy God whose only Beloved Son was crucified by wicked counselors and rose from the dead and descended into hell preaching deliverance to the captives.

The Son of God will deny them before the Father in the presence of the holy angels. They shall be cast into outer darkness unto everlasting contempt and shame.

 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God, the Creator of the earth and sea and all animals, fowl, beasts and creeping things. God created both good and evil. The heavens are the handiwork of God. 

 There will be a shaking of principalities and powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places as evil men and seducers wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived never as before. Murderers shedding innocent blood, adulterers neighing after their neighbors wives as fed horses in the stall. 

 The high towers ascended above the stars shall be cast down to the sides of the pit.  Is not the Holy God a consuming fire? The LORD rebuke the children of pride whose king is Leviathan, that old serpent, the devil - whose end is to be cast into the lake of fire and all who serve sin unto everlasting contempt and eternal damnation where the fire is not quenched and the worm never dies. 

Woe to Unbelievers and those who love to make lies.

It would have been better they had never been born.

E K K L E S I A - Apostolic 589

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