Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The manifest sons of God declare the judgement written

 Pastor, you may be seated. Your personal interpretations of scripture and vain philosophies have made the word of God ineffective to the congregation of hypocrites who hired you to lead them into stronger delusion because they love not the truth. You deny the power of Christ and refuse witnesses of the resurrection to testify the spirit of prophesy. Your ministry is run like a business and you are the sole receiver of tithes and offerings to consume upon your lusts. No man who is covetous shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. Idol shepherds have destroyed unwary souls who cannot discern their left hand from their right. Now is their perplexity. The manifest sons of God declare the judgement written. They have authority to bind the lords over the flocks with chains and the ministers of deceit with fetters of iron. The effectual prayers of the righteous avail much.

E K K L E S I A-Apostolic 588

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