Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Let those who disobey the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ be accursed.

 Watch out where you step. Open graves full of dead mans bones with stinking flesh. Your adversary the devil appears as an angel of light and transforms his corruptors as ministers of righteousness. Notice the zeal they have to subvert and always resist the Holy Ghost. They are born again dead in trespasses and sins. are they ashamed when they commit abomination? Nay, neither can they blush. They are a rebellious house. Their faces are harder than a rock. Their throats are an open sepulchre speaking lies through hypocrisy. Break their teeth, Lord, break the teeth out of the young lions. Send Sharp arrows from the mighty with coals of juniper. Cut off the lying lips that speak proudly and contemptuously against the righteous. Let God arise and his enemies be scattered. Let those who disobey the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ be accursed.

Brother William,

 EKKLESIA-Apostolic 582

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