Saturday, June 13, 2020

Worthy is the Lamb that was slain!

Thanks for your questions and watching my video. (1) Your question, am I insinuating some people are making Trump a god? As in idolizing and regarding President Trump as a political savior by evangelicals, church leaders and pastors emulations - yes.  Christianity Today editor quickly attacked by Franklin Graham, and a host of other offended multi-millionaire evangelicals for saying the emperor has no clothes. (2) I believe we have been in the beginning of sorrows for many years and apostasy in the churches has polluted the sanctuaries. We are near the Great day of the Lord - a day of thick clouds and gross darkness. Preceding that day is the perilous times we are living in now. (2Timothy3).

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Hungering and thirsting for Righteousness

  After leaving the church - in frustration of ever-learning, but never coming to a knowledge of the Truth because of vain jangling and forms of godliness without substance of things hoped for - decades ago, in search of knowing Christ after the Spirit, I found in my searching out and hungering for the righteousness of God, an increasing appetite for the Bible. I purchased the Bible on cassette tapes and listened 6 - 8 hours daily at work. Within weeks I was addicted to hearing the scriptures straight without commentary or private interpretation. While my coworkers listened to country or heavy metal, I was listening to the Bible. This actually upset one of them who came up to my face and mocked. So I knew then, how the world hated the Bible because it contains the words of Jesus and the gospel of Christ and the books of the apostles and prophets.

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Sunday, June 7, 2020

Shut out by Pastors

The directive by the Spirit, to those who have an ear, to come out of the polluted sanctuaries ruled by hireling-pastors and lords robbing the storehouse, is expressly prophesied by God’s servants, the prophets - who have been shut out by the gainsayers of the Nicolaitans.

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Tuesday, June 2, 2020

False Covering for Secret Sins

There is this sense of a false covering like - because of the blood (of Christ) God does not see sin. I saw this teaching enter into the Assembly of God churches  through a pastor (Roland Buck) who claimed he had been visited by angels - one most notably, Gabriel himself. He wrote a book on the visitations, “Angels on Assignment”   It was “good news” for those whose sins were hidden. Now this doctrine of devils is taught as gospel into all the world. “God doesn’t see your sins because of the blood.”

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