Sunday, April 25, 2021

The LORD GOD Visiting the Iniquity of Atheists unto their Children and their Children’s Children

Their contempt for Jesus Christ is a cursing and their unruly tongues are set on the fire of  hell. Did not the holy apostles prophesy there would be mockers in the last days? These children of pride are earthy, sensual and devilish. And the people who are damned to everlasting shame love to have it so. How can they not escape the damnation of hell? They are reprobates. Hypocritical mockers. Twice dead, plucked up from the roots. Sons and daughters of Belial. Every one of them. There father is the devil and his lusts will they do. He was a murderer from the beginning and the father of lies. Hell enlarges herself to receive the wicked as the people mourn their dead. Woe to the rich whose god is their belly. They lust and cannot obtain pleasure that will last. They may thrive for a season then suddenly they will pass away as a snail melts in the sun. Their thoughts are perverse thoughts and to do evil continuously with both hands. The Lord God visiting the iniquity of the fathers unto their children and their children’s children unto the third and fourth generation of vipers. Go not after them, neither watch their abominations lest you be broken in pieces and there be nothing left to deliver in the field of blood.

E K K L E S I A - Apostolic 555