Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Satan, god of this world of iniquity, the prince of the power of the air, deceiver and the father of lies

 The judgement is set and the books are open. Names have been blotted out of the book of life. These are the prodigal sons and haughty daughters who have refused correction finding no place for repentance even with strong crying and tears because God has rejected them. When He called they would not answer. Fulfilling the lusts of their flesh, they became stiff necked, always resisting the Holy Ghost. They no longer wanted to retain knowledge of the Truth. So God gave them strong delusion that they might believe a lie and be damned to everlasting contempt and shame. These are the children of darkness walking according to their flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof. There father is the devil, Leviathan, king of the children of Pride. Satan, god of this world of iniquity, the prince of the power of the air, deceiver and the father of lies, a murderer from the beginning six thousand years ago when Cain killed Abel his brother because he was righteous. And now the heathen rage against Christ and his anointed and the people imagine vain things as the coming of the Son of man, the beginning and the ending, He who was crucified by wicked hands and buried, rose from the dead and descended into hell, preaching deliverance to the captives, showing witnesses the prints of the nails in His hands and the spear wound in His side. My Lord and my God! The saints proclaim His majesty with the holy angels. But the children of the world of darkness will wail when they see a Great Light - JESUS returning with ten thousands saints and an innumerable host of angels to execute vengeance upon all the ungodly and their ungodly deeds. And those elect, called and faithful,  who are washed in the Blood and purged from all iniquity shall reign with Christ binding kings with chains and princes with fetters of iron.

Woe to the pastors who feed themselves and not the flock! It would be better that a millstone be thrown around their necks and they be cast into the sea than being twice born, plucked up from the roots.

Brother William, 

EKKLESIA - Apostolic 566

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