Tuesday, August 13, 2024

If The Righteous Be Scarcely Saved Where Does The Sinner Appear?

Recent testimony of a former drug addict and agnostic who testifies he has accepted Jesus even though old sins have not passed away and all things have not become new, this is the new age of sinning Christians who declare their sins as Sodom. These kind are pseudo Christians who have not been saved by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the mind by the Holy Spirit. These are the last days in perilous times and the hour of temptation that as come upon all flesh who obey not the gospel of Jesus Christ. Workers od iniquity who cannot cease from sin being converted two fold more the children of hell from another gospel whose ministers appear righteous but inwardly they are ravenous wolves teaching whom they may devour deceiving even the elect (if it were possible)with smooth words and fair speeches. God sending them strong delusion that they should believe a lie because they no longer love the truth but heap upon themselves teachers of vain philosophies, supposing gain is godliness, from such turn away. The Lord God commanding his people to COME OUT OF HER and touch not the unclean thing lest you be a partaker of her sins and receive of her plagues. 

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