Saturday, August 17, 2024

A man named Legion

JESUS taught spiritual things that were not parables. Jesus said when the unclean spirit leaves a man unable to find rest and dry places, he returns into the man and finding him swept and garnished in the depths of reprobation, brings seven demons more wicked than himself. And Jesus said "the last state of that man is worse than the first." A man named Legion (for we are many) had 2000 devils and when he saw Jesus he fell down at his feet and worshipped him. After Jesus commanded the devils to come out they asked Jesus if they could enter into the herd of swine nearby. Jesus let them go and the swine ran violently over the cliff and were drowned in the sea. The people and their leaders had failed to bind Legion even with chains and he was found naked and crying, cutting himself with stones dwelling among the tombs. Until he saw Jesus afar off landing on the coast of Gaderenes. When the people saw there herd of swine drowned because the demons has entered into them, they begged Jesus to depart from the coast. But Legion wanted to follow Jesus as a decisple but Jesus told him to tell his friends and all that would hear how the wondrous works of God were manifest in delivering a man sore vexed and lunatic with demons from the power of darkness into the light of Christ. Legion now filled with the Holy Ghost anointing persuaded many to touch not the unclean thing and to repent lest a worse thing come upon them and they be broken in pieces and their be none left to deliver into the kingdom of God.

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