Friday, May 8, 2020

Fire and Brimstone mixed with Blood

We are set in our ways and the books are open. Judgement began in the churches and is now poured out of the cup of the Lord’s wrath upon the world. “Lord, Lord, open up to us” is the cry yet to be heard from the stiff necked and uncircumcised hearts who say they are Jews but are found to be these days, like the days of Lot where the people eating, drinking, marrying one another, danced and rose up to play the same day Lot left Sodom it rained fire and brimstone mixed with blood and destroyed them all. “I am the Lord who smites.” The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world through the sacrifice once and for all who endure to the end that they may be saved from the wrath that is to come - never seen before in this world. “The powers of heaven shall be shaken - men’s hearts failing them because of the fearful looking for of judgement”  Jesus said, I have many things to say to you but you are unable to hear it - later you will understand when the Holy Ghost shall come upon you. What is the evidence? Speaking in tongues? Prophesying? Smooth words and fair speeches?  God is a Spirit and must be worshipped in spirit and in truth. There is a spirit of error - Let not that man think he will receive anything from God when he prays. “A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways”, James wrote. Paul said he bore the marks of an apostle through beatings (39 stripes - 5 different times, he was stoned twice and left for dead, shipwrecked - but not a castaway. But an apostle - not ordained by men or of men - but by Jesus Christ. The evidence? The letters to Timothy, Titus..and to the churches. Words weighty and powerful - not with men’s wisdom but with demonstration of the Holy Ghost. “ These signs shall follow them who believe, said Jesus, “they shall speak with new tongues and cast out devils..”

E K K L E S I A - Apostolic 480

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