Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Curse of a Generation

A generational curse happens when a son or daughter refuses correction and despises your parental authority. This is a curse created in rebellion and a spirit of witchcraft that harasses the parents causing grief and sorrow especially to true Christian parents who know the pitfalls of youth and the snares of the devil. The sin of rebellion cannot be broken in a stubborn child or youth who is bound by the pride of life and the lust of the eyes. In the last days perilous times shall come and men shall be proud, boasters, unholy and children shall be unthankful and disobedient to their parents. The generational curse progresses from a reprobate mind set where good is evil and evil is good. This is an adulterous and perverse generation who cannot escape the damnation of hell. An evil seed. Twice dead. Plucked up from the roots. Cursed children, gathered and bound up by the reapers to be burned.

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