Sunday, October 6, 2024

Looking For An Assembly Of True Believers

Is there such a gathering where the women don't gossip and the men don't talk sports? Where the love for the truth prevails and the word of God dwells richly in the hearts of new creatures born from above, washed in the blood of Jesus whose minds are purged from evil thoughts and renewed by the Holy Ghost which many professed Christians have not received since they believed they accepted Christ. But they refuse correction and judgement by the Holy Spirit who reproves the world because of sin. These are tares sown by the devil who grow with the wheat choking them to death if they don't come out from among the hypocrites who say they know God but are found to be liars. These are they who are sensual having not the Spirit. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

If You Haven’t Been to an Assembly of God Church in the last three decades

 You won’t recognize even the foundation. It’s a wishy washy be as your are it’s ok to not love Jesus we welcome you cage of deceit with creeping unclean birds of prey destroying souls as they drink from the cup of devils in unholy communion with fornicators.